Das Leben Ist Ein Kampf

"Today's a beautiful day."

Saturday, August 07, 2004

I sound like a girl? Hmm,

Since when is that news to anyone?! Thanks for pointing out that pianist Sam, I'll look him up when I get internet at home.

But for now I'm blogging from internet cafes!... hah. I feel like such a foreigner. I hear "I'm only home where the internet is....!!" echoing through my head, and immediately after that "You're such a fucking geek.....!!!" ... almost on top of it in fact.

Yeah. I made a deal with one of my students today, he's going to teach me guitar if I speak English to him during that lesson. It'll be cool, learning guitar from a Japanese Jazz guitarist. Can't wait to buy one now...

I hit one of my students in the face with a ball today and he started crying. Yeah it was kinda funny and scary at the same time. But I think he's only like 4 or something, so more scary... but as soon as he got a chance to throw it at me, he was all happy again. Heh.

The women here are all objects ... raised to be the way they are through the environment they grew up in. Its an extremely patriarchical society here (in public anyways), so the women all conform, and have been taught to be the way they are, mostly by the men. This means that all girls wear skirts or tight jeans and high heels. Girls are sexually attractive at a super-young age (I don't even want to guess) and ... (actually I often see such young girls wearing skirts that they still don't understand that the skirt is meant to cover their underwear - and no, their underwear is NOT the same as "outer clothes"... though thats mainly because I have so many children's classes). I've also seen plenty of pre-teen girls, (maybe between 8 and 12) who wear short skirts, tanktops and high heels. The thing that really throws me are the high heels. They wear heels with everything. Fancy-ass spaghetti strap shoes... with everything!! Its ridiculous. Though you should see them run in those things - they're more coordinated than horses. ... Honest.

So yeah, Japan is still cool. I've baught a couch and a computer desk for my place, costing me a total of 22,000 yen or so. So thats like 220US for a couch and a desk? Most people out here would say thats a pretty good deal, and I'd be inclined to agree with them. Fuckin rights I'm becommin Japanese. Goddamnit.

Alessa and Eric are comin out this weekend. I'm pickin them up from the airport tomorrow. It'll be cool to see someone from home again. Hope I have some time to tour around with them a bit, and I hope they're not too annoyed that I'm so far from the city. Heh... I love it where I am. Though I have yet to check out the giant red-light district a kilometer from my house. I should check it out I guess... Theres a porno-megastore within a stone's throw of my house that I should probably check out as well. HAHAHA. Horny Japaneses.

BAH. I'm already calling my apartment a "house". I thought that was the most retarded thing when I first arrived. Calling your apartment "your house". BAH.

Japanese I am. I'm still entertaining the idea of staying for longer than a year. School is going fine (real easy-like), living arangements are (now) awesome, and I don't even have internet yet. Imagine how I'll feel about the place after I get 100mb/s broadband in my apartment!! Jesus, I may never come back!! (Just kidding of course).

To be honest, I've been thinking a lot more about Carolyn lately. Different stuff. How good a girl she is. How different she is than me. The things we have in common, and the things we don't have in common. If I could live with those differences. ....

She'd make a great mate for anyone though. But why is that...? Conditioning?... I don't know her well enough yet. Though she's probably way better than anything Japan has to offer. Damn Japan. Heh, the women out here are all.... *shrug*. wiiiieeeerrrrd.

Dunno how to describe. Maybe in a later post.

All for now folks! Later!!

|| David at 09:42

Monday, August 02, 2004

la la la

good mood good mood.

i moved this weekend, i have a new apartment, out in the countryside. its absolutely great. heh.. i put a shelf up this weekend, and organized everything. i bought a couch, i have a TV and a VCR, and im getting a DVD player, and and and and everything is so cool.

i live between two rice fields and i hear the frogs and crickets at night, and its wonderful. I see mountains and lakeside from my floor to ceiling sliding door/window. its soooo great. clean, wooden floors, state of the art washing machine, good sized fridge, microwave.... 2 element stove... *happy sigh*

so how you all doing back at home. SHI i emailed you and you never wrote back! BITCH.

AG: LIKE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. heh. you been not around lately. email me back! i hear from mike n dav and my mom all the time, but never u..... :(

uhhh i dont know any of you other readers.. i dont think. heh. all you other people, SHOUT OUT!!

im feeling great.

made friends with some wonderful people. Yuki is a 35yr old computer programmer. She makes software that works with x-ray technology in hospitals! shes cool. she drove me around and brought my couch home for me!! :)


hisako is my 27yr/o teacher, and shes great too. i think shes a bit keen on me though, so maybe not so cool. cuz im not keen on her at all!! :) but shes been an endless resource and has been SO helpful.

Mami is a 17yr old student and showed me around town today!! shes cool and seems really nice! kinda 'different', but thats better than 'normal'... right? RIGHT!. FUCKENEH! hahah!!!!


Shino is another 17y/o student whos really cool. shes funny and cant stop giggling, and i like that. need someone to flatter my retarded sense of humour... right? RIGHT!! hah.


what else.

nothing much i guess. ive started to realize how much i like working with kids....

thats a revelation of sorts. i lreally really enjoy it. even the little two and three year olds.... even the TEENAGERS...!! i never saw myself liking anyone over sayyyyyy 12... but actually they're good kids... they're just going through a unique time.... being a teenager is .... really cool. a lot of fun, and.... kinda dangerous. but thats what makes it cool. u know? the fact that its so... dangerous and... relevant. decisions/what you do, really actually have an effect on the rest of your life. if u get in that car, you may never be the same again.

who knows.?u know... so yeah, those kids are cool. they're into cool stuff and do cool things and ... yeah, i wanna be a teenager again. ... SHIT I AM A TEENAGER. 4LIFE YO. haha.


so yeah. im talking to no one. im such a geek. gwah gwah gwah.

hmm i gotta buy new clothes. yeah thatll be cool. i wanna add fitter. happier. to my blog sidebar. ... but i got those cool tshirt quotes. hmm. im blabbering.

kinda wierd for this blog.

i think about ag everynowandthen nowadays. radiohead reminds me of her; because without her i wouldntve realized what a great band they are. so i enjoy radiohead so much, but its like.. impossible to love radiohead and not think of aggie at the same time u know? they're like synonymous in my mind to me. or something. so yeah. i was listening to radiohead?today, and thinkin bout ag, like my mind usually does when i listen to radiohead. and i listened to those lyrics in fitter. happier. fuck, they're great lyrics.

i did this course on gothic literature, about the desolateness of life and the life we live... the institutions and shit we fall into... its... gothic. really. ... so those lyrics are so great, i have all these great things to say about every line... and i wanna write an essay on the song. if u could call it a song. its just a computerized voice. which says so many things in itself... yeah, im gonna post them. wow, havent posted songs for ages. its been awhile.

hah, i bought some CDs here, and they were fucking expensive! haha, 2 cds were $50.. united states dollars. fuckineh. hah.

yeah i got 311 greatest hits, and some solo stuff done by serj from soad. its some cool stuff that u cant really find on the internet, ... well, i havent looked, but i feel bad for having all of my fav bands' cds, so i bought it. yeah anyways, music is great.

i cant wait to get internet hooked up and start sorting out my MP3s.. i got way too many. gotta clean em out. more than 30gbs of MP3s... ... but most of em are pretty damn good.

so anyways, back to radiohead. they rock, remind me of aggie and childhood memories, and goodtimes. goodtimes are what everything is about.

its all about the goodtimes. fingereleven got it right. watch out for the goodtimes. because when they come, you gotta remember them, gotta think of them, savour them. goodtimes are priceless, and they're what life is about. I'm searching for the goodtimes, always after them. A life full of goodtimes is all i ask for. simple enough eh....?

GTs for life. right? right.



ive started using some new words. like 'keen' and 'convenie'... yeah... so yeah.

goodtimes. allabout the goodtimes.

hmmm not much else to report. all good here.


over and out. hahaha.

im sucha geek and love it.

gwaa gwaa gwaa!!

|| David at 05:40