Das Leben Ist Ein Kampf

"Today's a beautiful day."

Sunday, July 25, 2004

i wish i could claim i have an exciting life but i dont.

though i have been getting drunk on a regular basis now that im here. the drinking culture is a lot different. here drinking/drunkeness is not seen as something dirty and taboo.... its not something people hide in dirty stinky dark holes to do.

its done in groups, where everyone goes out to have a good time, and HAS a good time. people are just so carefree and fun here when they get out... hehe.. its really great. so ive been pretty pissed all this week. fun shit.

hmmm... lesse.... not much else is new.. makin some new friends.... wanna buy a guitar... moving apartments because there are rats in mine, and i need speakers. i get paid at the end of the week, it'll be my first paycheque...

so im settling in nicely i guess.... just as the yamashina crew all falls apart anyways... the rats have caused everyone to move out. ah well. it was good times while it lasted.

some inbred, dumbass, fatty american moved in next door, so im glad to get out, and away from his incessant idiocy.

girls? they're beautiful for looking, but not so great for relationships. they're a lot different out here than back at home. i dunno what to expect. i dont know if i wanna get involved with anyone out here.

i was pretty horny in taipei, but thats completely died down, and im not so bad anymore. yeah, ive gotten over my lack of a girlfriend, and im pretty settled. looking forward to doing all the stuff i couldn't do while i was at uni. heh.

cant wait to get my snes and guitar... woo woo. itll be good times from here on in.

i guess.

i gotta learn to be on my own more. i surround myself with too many people all the time, its like i rely on them.. so yeah i gotta learn to be on my own more. maybe once i get internet and start playin ffxi or wow i'll be alright. i wonder if wow is out. better hit up them gamin sites!!

gywaaa gywaa gywaaaa. <----- geek laugh.

|| David at 03:02

Saturday, July 17, 2004

I got a cel phone. And boy is it cool. heh. heh. http://www.mobiletracker.net/archives/images/V401SA-2.jpg Yeah. I've got the white one. Its so cool. Its like a computer.
anyways, you can contact me on my phone at deekay_donkey-kong@k.vodafone.ne.jp ... so i can be connected with all you back at home!! yaaay. heh.
the number is 090-6059-6036. whoohoooooo.
uhhh other than that, my classes are goin well. im gonna get my hair cut by one of my students. so thats cool. yeehaw.
uh, not much new.
Japan is still hot. Mike n Dav are still in Tokyo. Girls are still pretty. My apartment still sucks. But the job is gettin better. Cant wait till I get paid. Got a new phone which I can't seem to stop messin around with. Still havent bought computer speakers or an electric guitar. Ah well. Things are cool. Everything is cush.

|| David at 20:37

Sunday, July 11, 2004

you know what?

Japan is cool.

Im having a good time. ... living on my own is alright. Its not really on my own. I live in a dormitory-type situation. There are five native english teachers on my floor of the building. The apartment only has doors leading to the outside, so no hallways or anything. We're always out on the balcony chatting. I hear them come home, and they see my door open all the time. So we chat a lot and almost live together. (Because we're so physically close to each other and our rooms are so damn small.)

Nothing interesting happening. I teach a bunch of kids, whom I get along with very well. Probably better than I should. hehehe... My hormones have calmed down now, and I'm just sitting back enjoying the view.

I think it's the heat. Makes you horny. As soon as it cools down a bit; I couldn't feel more relaxed. Heh. It's nice beeing free of the "bitches" for a while. ahhhh... sweet release. heh.

So yeah, not much interesting happening. I met a Japanese-english teacher named Hisako who lived in Nelson for 2 years, and Castlegar for 1.... shes quite nice and we're becoming fast friends. Seems I'm becoming fast friends with lots of people. Another JET gave me her card/number and wants to go out... Her name is Natsu. And also two of my students have invited me over to their place... I dont know how sincere these offers are - Nathan and Renata both say that they're just going to suck as much English practice out of me as possible. I'm inclined to believe them. (They've been right about most things so far...).

Anyways, I'm still putting in long hours, but I'm having a good time. The day goes by fast, and the high cost here is not such a shock anymore. Its all relative right? I make as much as I make, because of the high cost of living here. If I was making this much in Vancouver ($20CA/hr) I wouldn't be moving ANYWHERE. .... Aaaaah cheap, home, Vancouver.

I get so nostalgic sometimes. I'm thinking of changing this blog's theme to "nostalgia".


it doesnt have a theme...

who am i kiddding. hahahaa.

|| David at 20:41